I normally post updates when I book and when I wrap on a project but I can't help myself!!! ;DThe first day of shooting the KOSHER PIG pilot was a BLAST!!!!!! Call time was 4am and I've never been more excited to wake up that early before! :D The first of 6 days of shooting and the only day with full cast!!! We seriously have veteran actors playin' my parents!!! Watchin' John Pleshette and Tammy Kaitz(my Jewish parents) square off with Jim Lau and Elizabeth Sung(my Chinese parents) is freakin' HILARIOUS!!!! Steve West, who plays my ex-boyfriend, along with Michelle DeFraites and Mark Daugherty, who play my siblings, just crack me up!!! The cast and crew are PHENOMENAL!!! Thanks everyone for an AMAZING first day!!! I can't wait to shoot on Monday!!! Woooohoooo!!!!
Day 1 of KOSHER PIG!!!!
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