Earl Baylon
Davis Choh
Kris Clemente
Surina Jindal
Eddie Kim
Jeremy Lalas
Susane Lee :)
Jason Owsley
John Wrot
Jeena Yi
Directed and Produced by: Brian Corpuz
Writer/Assoc. Producer: Justin Quizon
DATE: Sunday, August 3rd Doors open 5:30 pm | Show starts at 6:00 pm
LOCATION: East West Players The David Henry Hwang Theater 120 N. Judge John Aiso St. Los Angeles, CA 90012 (Little Tokyo: 1st and San Pedro) Presale: $15 | At the door: $20
Also performing with us:
ROGER FAN | Finishing the Game
DANTE BASCO | Hook, Take the Lead, Entourage
KARIN ANNA CHEUNG | Better Luck Tomorrow
KAILA YU | Nylon Pink
DANNY CHO | Feat. on MadTV
SPECIAL GUEST DJ: Ultraman (Cerritos All Stars)